I'm back learning the English history. The Tudors. You know it's really interesting to study other country's history apart from our own country's history. Although it's not as colourful as other country's history. I used to hate History when I was in school. Hate the teacher as well. Can't help it if she superbly boring. To be in her class seemed endless. The click felt like it's moving slowly. Or not, it completely stop.
I came across this show when I was browsing through the list of shows that I like. And I immediately got it and watched it. Put aside the nudity and sex and lust, the story is a whole new way of telling us the story about a King who once ruled England. It's like learning history is a whole new way. It's a bit funny to have all sorts of royal family rule 1 country. They have Tudors, Normans and some other royal house. But seriously, put aside all those hanky panky issues, the show is a new way to know the history about King Henry VIII.
Like what you will hear in the beginning of the show before it starts, "You think you know the story but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning." I must say this. This is a brave attempt by the production and hopefully more will follow suit.
Picture taken from http://thetudorsonshowtime.blogspot.com
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