I simply forgot to write this entry. It's a must. I finally met one of my favourite DC, Justice League character.....Wonder Woman...(clapping my hands and legs). Finally....and Yay!! It's Wonder Woman you know. It's Wonder Woman. Well, I actually had to fight with the kids and the kids' mom and dad to take the picture. And guess what. When the emcee asked the kids do they know who Wonder Woman is, all the kids were like ..."Wonder who?". But when the emcee asked do they know Batman, everyone were like "Yes!!!....".
Can't believe I met Wonder Woman....Hahahahah. I better stop yanking. It was a school holiday event in Sunway Pyramid. I purposely dragged Dodot to Sunway Pyramid that Saturday and thank God I don't have to go to Hatyai that day. Else, I won't be able to meet Wonder Woman.

Presenting Wonder Woman, Batman and Flash

I don't know who is that kid. Told you I had to fight with all the kids to get their pictures. Stop staring at things you're not suppose to stare ....hahahhaha. (I know it looked .....weird)
So, I've met Spongebob, I've met Doraemon and now I met Wonder Woman, Batman and Flash. I wonder when can I meet Superman.....hmmmm
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