
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Easter and things happen in March

Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come again....

Happy Easter!

I know I haven't been writing in a long time. Almost 1 month now. Everything crazy has been happening in this 1 month.

1) I got a car ... yay!! A silver Viva which I've waiting until I feel like fainting. Also, I've chosen to use a Kuching plate no. Something that keeps me near to home...

2) I've got a new job ... finally I'm out of hell. Now I can sigh with relief. I hope this new one is not going to disappoint me. Salary wise...not bad. Actually, they pay according to my resume and they offered me a position which is different from the position I applied for.

3) Baby broke his hand. Gosh. Just 1 day at home, he slipped, fell and broke his hand. Thanks to that, he was given 4 weeks MC. Then, he got his blood test result and the doctor said that his operation will be on 14th May and on top of that, he will be given a 3 weeks MC. So, all together it will be 7 weeks...7 weeks seems like 7 years. *sigh*

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