
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The meaning of Stacy

I just had to write this down. I found out something interesting on the net yesterday. The meaning of my name. Imagine that. All this while, I thought my name has no meaning at all. That my name is just a glamourous name since I share my name with so many people.

Stacy - a 2 syllable name means; one who shall rise again; resurrection. Look at that. I shall rise again.... Hmmm....It's a bit scary, isn't it? Origin of my name is from Greek. Out of the name Anastacia. Never mind about the origin. But the meaning is just so amazing. Resurrection... the one who shall rise again ... Not that I don't like it. I feel so blessed. At least I know now that my name is not just a name. Now I could feel like the Lord.

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