
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Year of the Rat

It's that time of year again. Ang pows, lion dance, honey orange and everything is red. If anyone would like to see a city painted in red, now this is the time. Everywhere is red. Everywhere you turn, you will be able to listen to Chinese New Year songs and anything that is red. Even the boutiques are taking out their red clothes. Everything must be in red.

I was hanging out at 1U yesterday all by myself and I was very lucky because they had this lion dance show there. They do have it every year, but this year I must pen it down. So I took out my expensive phone and start taking pictures. The lion was superbly adorable. Talking about showmanship, I think the lion is a good actor. It took everybody's heart who were watching the show without fail. Young and old. Local and foreigners. All stopped to watch the show. I guess that is just one of the Chinese tradition that never fades. Hopefully it will never fades even if everyone's mind is set on MONEY and earthly wealth.

The lion looking at the people around him

I'm scared...don't these people know that I'm afraid of height?? I want my mummy!!!

I can do this.... I can do this .....Just watch me...

Yes! I made it. But this is scary.....

I know I'm cute and adorable and I rock!! Would you like to it again?

Girls and boys, meet my two girls and boys...

"Gong Xi Fatt Cai everyone. May the year of the rat bring prosperity to each and everyone of you." From the Cat family....* This year I will have to let all the rats go.....

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